Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses in Staten Island

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Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses

Do you experience migraine attacks? Does light trigger or worsen your symptoms? You’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from migraines, and over 80% of them report light sensitivity during an attack. Moreover, 60% of migraine episodes are triggered by light.

That’s why South Shore Eyecare is proud to offer Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses—the only lens designed to help people living with migraines that’s proven at the highest level of clinical testing. 9 out of 10 Avulux wearers report that they can resume daily activities while wearing these lenses.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today and learn more about whether Avulux lenses are right for you.

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How Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses Work

Not all light waves are the same. Light in the blue, amber and red spectrum causes photosensitive retinal ganglion cells to release melanopsin. Put simply, for people living with migraines, creatin types of light can trigger an attack–or make it worse. 

However, light in the green spectrum is soothing. That’s why Avulux engineers developed a lens that precisely filters up to 97% of the most harmful blue, amber and red light while still allowing in up to 70% of soothing green light. 

How is Avulux Different from Other Migraine Glasses on the Market?

Unlike other migraine or neurological lenses, Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses are clinically proven to help people living with migraines. 2 independent studies have demonstrated that Avulux’s patented light filtering technology can be effective. 

Here are more reasons why we trust Avulux for our patients:

  • No side effects: Precisely filters harmful light without causing any adverse effects.
  • True color accuracy: No pink, yellow, or blue tint—Avulux lenses maintain a neutral appearance for distortion-free vision.
  • One-time investment: No subscriptions or recurring costs—just reliable protection for the lifetime of your lenses.
  • Indoor & outdoor use: Avulux lenses adapt to any environment and integrate seamlessly into your migraine management plan.

How Do You Know if Avulux Is Right for You?

If you experience frequent headaches or migraines, particularly those accompanied by light sensitivity, Avulux could be an essential tool in your migraine management toolkit. Start by speaking with our eye care professionals at South Shore Eyecare to determine if Avulux is right for you.

Avulux Lenses: Available in Prescription & Non-Prescription

You can experience the benefits of Avulux and get the look you want by choosing from our wide selection of frames. Avulux comes in prescription and non-prescription options, and you can order:

  • Single vision
  • Progressive vision
  • Anti-scratch coatings
  • Anti-reflective coatings

Take the First Step Toward Light Relief

Don’t let light sensitivity control your life. Talk to us at South Shore Eyecare about how Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses can help you manage migraines and get back to doing the things you love.

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